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Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:21 am
by AsaraDragon
I'm going to have to try to do this from work today if I can find the time. It'll be interesting, that's for sure! XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:00 am
by RikkuGirl
Photo Hunt Here we go! I must warn you... I had to redo my sign/tag. O_< I lost it... not once... but twice. *sigh*


A comfy place to be!
This is my most fav chair in my whole house. Not because it looks fancy shmancy... oh no... it REALLY IS comfy! :D That plus our silk pillows and soft throw makes it a perfect place to snuggle up... Plus...WHO doesnt LOVE silk pineapples? xD

Upclose :)

I was at my best friends house when I was asked if I was hungry, upon which i quickly replied... Is it delicious?! D: Since she said yes... I HAD to take my pic and eat it. ^_^ And im glad I did! Beef, peas, corn, rice and biscuits! :D There was cream corn too... buuutttt... I figured whole corn was enough ^^;;;

Something Fun!
Right across from my house... LITERALLY right across, there is a huge ampatheater. Where bands and events of all kinds are put on all the time! (Sunday) When I took the picture there was a live band there... See all the people? :D VERY entertaining. My fav is when they have the jazz bands ^_^; Esp since right behind that there is a skatepark and bmx park :D

Something for the rich! (Luxury)
FISH! Yes... that is right! FISH! :D Luxurious... huh? :3 I feel that anyone who has enough money to buy fish without a tank and water MUST have the extra luxury to do so! xD These guys actually cost 200! 100 for each! D: I about wanted to slap my mom for spending that kind of money.... bbbbuuuuttttt she HAD to have them.. and well. ^_^;;; I LIKE THEM ALOT! Look at their faces! *wiggles* They came as a pair so... I figured I could put them both here. :)
Fred the fish
Franny the fish

A pretty sight!
This is one of my most favorite views of all time. It is a poppey field with beautiful hills and trees in the back. This is a very VERY old painting that was supposed to be about dorothy and the wizard of oz or something... but idk for sure. My mom has had it for forever and well... I LOVE this view. I wish it was outside my house... but having it framed IN My house is nice too. :) (As someone already stated... FL doesnt have much nice stuff to look at outside... unless your at the beach O_<)

A fancy doohickey! :D
A fancy masquerade mask with feathers! Its kind of you can see from the dark spots on the mask itself and the fabric that is sort of hanging on the back of it, velvet actually :D. Im not quite sure where we got it but mum says it has been around her since she can remember... maybe gram had it? Dunno... but either way! Its is fancy! :D Gotta love gold accents. :)
Upclose :)

OK! :D Well that is what I got! <3333 All of the other entries are just awesome guys! This will be VERY hard for that stallion I think. :) So many nice things and places!!!! Good luck guys!

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:32 am
by Orasteele
Somewhere comfortable to sit! This is the pile of blankets that I enjoy sitting in with my dogs while I read.
A delicious meal! This is what I call a delicious but quick breakfast! :D
Something entertaining! I love a good book! And this one is part of a six book series that I read in a week! Yes it was that good!
A luxury item! What is better than bath fizzies?
A nice view! I enjoy looking at my fishtank from my sofa. As it is raining there really aren't any nice views outside. >_>
A Fancy Bauble! Or rather two, both are boxes, one just looks like an egg.

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:54 am
by AsaraDragon
OK here goes... not much selection here at work, but I did my best. My lovely lady Lilac offered to play hostess to this strange collection of items.

1 - Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep - My work chair! Nice and soft, which is nice since I sit in it most of the day.

2 - A delicious meal - Well. It's a log of bologna. But it really is delicious!

3 - Something entertaining - The book I'm currently reading. Entertained me for an hour and a half last night!

4 - A luxury item - Flatscreen monitor! I know they're sort of common these days, but we actually still have some computers with the big old bulky kind around here.

5 - A nice view - This is the lab where I work. It's a nice view because it is sans coworker, who is a big annoying butthead.

6 - A fancy bauble - Can't get much fancier for me than my wedding and engagement bands, at least at work. Most jewelry is prohibited because we don't want to send out precious stones in the hot dogs. Totally messes up the profit margin! ;)

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:18 am
by silvermoondragon
1 - Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep
A nice spot by the fireplace with a blanket to curl up in after coming in from the snow. Sorry the name tag is kind of small by the wolves mouth there...

2 - A delicious meal

A nice breakfast of crepes, this one's all ready for the condiments before rolling up.

3 - Something entertaining
I am a big fan of the snow, it's definitely great fun for me and Tessa(the dog). You can sort of see an old snow sculpture there, although it's melted/sublimated somewhat since it's making...

4 - A luxury item
What's more luxurious than a mountain valley cabin? Especially one shaped like a geodesic dome!

5 - A nice view
A nice view of the mountains by Harrison Hot Springs, complete with a hotspring of course!

6 - A fancy bauble
The crystal ball or the dragon itself, I'll let you decide :)

Now, I'm off to the ski hill, hooray! I would have taken a picture there as the entertainment, but we won't be back until after the deadline.

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:44 pm
by Puuka
Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep


There's no place in this house more comfortable to me than my big soft bed with memory pillows. By the way, that's Fabio sleeping there. He was the very first gift that my (now)husband ever gave me, bought with the paycheck from his first ever job. Fabio doesn't mind sharing the bed though!

A delicious meal


Cooked by my hubby, a delicious fresh pasta tossed with sofrito (tomatoes, green peppers, onions, garlic and other various spices) and feta cheese.

Something entertaining


There's nothing more entertaining to me than my kids! :D This is Antonio, my little guy. It took several tries to get the name tag to stay and a smiling face.

A luxury item


I can't think of anything more luxurious than hot hazelnut coffee in the morning. Why yes, those are dinosaur stickers on my coffee maker.

A nice view


Our backyard view is kind of icky, it's just brown fence and a bright green swimming pool. So, instead I give you a sprawling expanse of multicolored highway.

A fancy bauble


My favorite charm bracelet makes a pretty fancy bauble!

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:57 pm
by Raitalle
Squeaking it in!

1 - Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep
My bed, cat tested and approved. Doesn't get comfier than that ;)

2 - A delicious meal
A yummy dinner! This was actually my Valentine's dinner out w/ the roomies :)

3 - Something entertaining
Creatures, a card game I backed on Kickstarter. It's super cute and really fun!

4 - A luxury item
My new favorite purse/bag. It's a luxury because it's by a designer I normally wouldn't be able to afford, but got it randomly in a grab bag from one of my favorite clothing sites for a really cheap price!

5 - A nice view
...The view from our balcony window >.> It's not the nicest, but I waited to long to take it, so it'll have to do XD I promise it's kind of pretty when the field is full of corn and stuff.

6 - A fancy bauble
A ring that I also got in that grab bag. It's pretty much the only jewelry I have here right now XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:19 pm
by SilverDapples
1 - Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep– This rocking chair is the bomb XD it is really comfy, like really XD Sam sized too me thinks :3

2 - A delicious meal- Well... it doesn't look delicious in the packaging, if I had known this hunt was going to start I'd have gotten one of the amazing shepards pie earlier, but I go to this (which, believe it or not, tastes really good XD)

3 - Something entertaining- So, my cat, he is the most hilarious thing in my house, like he is so fat and like crazy, but he can be cute, then he flips out, but I love him, and he's the best, so, he's entertaining.
But I also LOVE puzzles... Love them... They're fun too XD

4 - A luxury item- Alright, I find that my infinite amount of blankets is like the biggest luxury items I have, currently you only see the best pillow ever and my carry around blankie that goes with me everywhere... And my cat... He had to be in the picture

5 - A nice view- Well... This doesn't look like that much of a nice view if you ask me, it's better when there are leaves on the trees and the grass is green. I really wanted to have a sunset, because those are so great, this one especially was like to die for, so I'm putting one in, it's just cardless so it wont count XD

6 - A fancy bauble- Feather necklace. On a Breyer. Because I had to. XD I love the Breyer, but I made the necklace the focus. And the Christmas Cactus is helping me out! I freaking love that plant.

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:41 pm
by RikkuGirl
CHRISTMAS CACTUS!!! XD I have a palm tree *gigglesnort*

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:54 pm
by Seren
XD That backyard the perfect stage for movies~!

Also, PAN I LOVE YOU YOU SILLY CATNIP ADDICT! "What nip are you on?"

Also, the christmas cactus XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:55 pm
by Yuiven
It has been interesting to see everybody's various interpretations of the six themed subjects. I never usually participate in photo scavenger hunts, because I feel my photography skills are, to be quite frank, lousy. With that said, however, for the sake of Flair of the Fire's Edge and those two Firebirds I'm willing to give it a "shot!" XD

So, Flair wants photographic evidence that an ordinary person is capable of providing the lavish lifestyle to which he has become accustomed, based on a list of "necessities" that a Kodyla believes are a must-have. Well, let's start with...

#1) Somewhere comfortable to sit or sleep
Have a seat in this wingchair situated in my living room. It has an understated elegance with an embroidered diamond pattern over the fabric, dyed in an nice shade of brown that would enhance, rather than detract from your magnificent appearance. Not only does the wingchair look good, it is ergonomically design for greatest comfort as you sit down to eat...

#2) A delicious meal
On today's menu I have served honey garlic chicken wings and seasoned potato wedges, with Caesar salad as a side. For desert, there is a small bowl of chocolate-covered strawberries for you to indulge in. Plus a tall, cool glass of water (with a slice of lemon) as a beverage to wash everything down.

#3) Something entertaining
Why not play a game on the latest innovation of gaming technology, the Sony PS Vita, to entertain yourself while you digest? The controls are easy to use, even for an individual with cloven hooves.

#4) A luxury item
This is going to require an explanation: what is pictured here are a line of action figures known as the "Tigersharks." They were manufactured in the late 1980s by LJN Toys Ltd, an American company that created toy lines and video games based on movies, television shows, and celebrities of the era. In our case, they were a tie-in to an animated series about a team of heroes who could become these man/marine animal hybrids called the same name, which aired as one of four segments on a cartoon called, "The Comic Strip" produced by Rankin Bass-- the same creative geniuses behind stop-motion animated classics like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and the iconic cartoon Thundercats.

Unfortunately, the Tigersharks had a limited production run before the then ailing toy company was shut down in 1990 (in a freaky twist of fate the cartoon had ceased airing on TV around the same time). Nowadays, they are classified as rare and hard-to-find, therefore highly sought after by action figure collectors who are willing to pay a lot of money, just to own one of them. Although some are still available for purchase, most of these vintage action figures are bought and kept in private collections like mine. That's why I considered them, as a whole, a luxury item.

#5) A nice view
Now would you like to take a stroll down by the waterfront on such a lovely winter day?

#6) A fancy bauble
Check out this finely-crafted, bejewelled equine-shaped bracelet!

Good luck everyone, and may the best candidate to take care of Flair win!

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:03 pm
by SilverDapples
Yuvien... your paper sparkles... <3


and Panther is still sleeping on my bed XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:09 pm
by Seren
XD I love some of these tags... XD

AND I AGREE COMPLETELY. I used to have a little mini-cactus from texas named Pete... but he died... </3

Pan. I love you. <3333

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:19 pm
by SilverDapples
Just kidding he just came back down XD

Well mine doesn't seem to like the thought of dying! Oh... I think Hermes is dead.... he hasn't moved... D:

I wrote my tag in silver sharpie, I was like I should put something awesome on here, buuuut I didn't XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:24 pm
by Seren
I just used my sketch of the storm sam XD

and... Hermes?! D': Please don't die you adorable little crab! He could be like resting cause its colder...

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:32 pm
by SilverDapples
Puuka, I love Antonio, I'm just saying XD

HE STILL HASN'T MOVED!! I... I don't think...

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:23 am
by Pristine
Raitalle: re: the Creatures game... it looks suspiciously familiar to me. It actually looks like a more kid-friendly clone of a game I played as a child (a long, long time ago) called Quirks.

My dad hated playing it because it's a bit slow and was somewhat hard for me to understand as a young child... you put together animals using cards, but the animals had to be suited to the current climate of the world they were in, and there was a climate meter that changed throughout the game so your animals (and plants!) had to constantly evolve... and I believe they could eat each other (herbivores eating plants, carnivores eating other animals).

Obviously the most fun part was always sticking the cards together and reading off the silly animal names... so I'm happy to see there might be a more entertaining version of this. XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:58 am
by Raitalle
Haha, it's similar, but not identical. You put creatures together, and they each have a score based on the animals they're made up of, and the goal is to make a creature with a high enough score to beat the best one the rest of the players can come up with, making it a Champion. The first person to get a set amount of Champions wins, yay!

Also, I'm a huge evolution fan girl, so Quirk actually sounds super fun! Definitely want to look into seeing if I can get it :)

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:25 am
by Pristine
I think Creatures sounds more entertaining. Like a mix between Quirks and Pokemon. XD

You might be hard-pressed to find Quirks; I'm to understand it was not a very popular "board"/card game, and it came out in 1980, so I'm guessing a lot of the copies have been lost. I know the copy my dad gave me from his collection is pretty run-down.

If you like evolution, you might also like the board game I used for my "entertaining" entry here... Ursuppe/Primordial Soup. You control amoebas swimming in primordial soup, gathering points to evolve them (to give them things like longer arms to grab food, teeth to bite other amoebas with, flagella to swim with, etc.). Probably the funniest part, though, is that the amoeba subsist off each others' poop. So you basically play an evolving amoeba swimming around eating your opponents' poop. Haha, hilarious.

Yes, I am still 5 years old in many parts of my mind. XD

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:05 am
by Raitalle
I'll definitely have to look for that game too! I really like board/card games, and ridiculous animal/evolution themed ones definitely make my list of favorites.

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:58 pm
by Sushidragon
Despite himself, Flair is quite impressed! I don't think he had any idea of the luxuries and wonders that existed outside of the Sharian realms. He (and I) had a wonderful time looking through all of the photos, thank you so much for sharing :D

Here are the winners, as determined by!
Flair will be going home with Pristine (although he might have to have some words with the cat re that comfy bed..)! Remember that Kodylas do not form Songs and will only breed with other Kodylas (like Healers, they do Song-less breedings).

f005 is going home with HybridSiren and f006 is going home with Yuiven!

And chocolates for everyone! I'll be adding them to everyone's inventories shortly :D
Thanks so much for participating and sharing your slices of life with everyone :D

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt! Results!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:54 am
by Orasteele
Congrats you guys!!

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt! Results!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:55 am
by RikkuGirl
Congrats guys! :D Im so jealous ;D

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt! Results!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:24 am
by silvermoondragon
Congrats! I can't wait to find out what those heart chocolates do...

Re: "Impress me" - a photo hunt! Results!

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:15 pm
by Yuiven
Woohoo! I have desired a Firebird of my own ever since they were first released. :D There is nothing I don't love about this charming fellow (and that also goes for one of my Sams, as he shall be claimed as her pet very soon. <3) Thank you, Sushi!

Ha ha, yes, the paper of my nametag does indeed sparkle! XD I figured that would be another method to get people’s attention in regards to my username, besides fancy typography and graphics. It seems to have worked!

Oh, and congratulations Pristine and HybridSiren! Flair of the Fire's Edge is going to a fantabulous home where he may continue living the life of luxury with his new owner. What a pretty Firebird female too! She will make for a fine feathered friend to whomever decides to adopt her as their pet.