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Harroway's Band of Misfits

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:31 pm
by Harroway
Ready... steady... placeholder!

ImageFan of Verdant Plumes
ImageHarvest of the Autumn Grapes
Image Scatter of Refracted Rain
Image Spark of Hidden Quartz
Image Crumble of the Burnt Leaf
Image Glitter of the Granite Heart
Image Revelation of the Triumphant Sun
Image Flight of Earth's Elation
Image Still of the Everlasting Sea
Image Spire of Summer's Warmth
Image Cusp of Calling Solstice
Image Cresting of the Amethyst Waves
Image Mystic of the Jewelled Sky
Image Mystic of the Churning Ocean
Image Oath of the Distant Autumn
Image Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula

Sushidragon wrote: Samanayr name:
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult):
Physical description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Likes and dislikes:
Aspirations and goals:
Favorite color:
Odd fact:

Re: Harroway's Band of Misfits

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:53 pm
by Harroway
Samanayr name Fan of Verdant Plumes
Gender Mare
Species Lamanayr
Age Adult
Physical description Fan's body is a mixture of royal blue, rich green and purple. She is colored like a peacock with all the standard Lamanayr traits with feathered wings and a feathered tail.
Personality She would describe herself as watchful. Fan is quiet, careful and ever vigilant. She's always on the lookout for something or other, preferring to only speak when necessary. She came from a like-minded Song and thus has never been one of the more talkative Sams. She is slow to trust, but incredibly loyal. Many may think she's aloof or uninterested when she's merely just quiet and introverted.
Abilities (magical and otherwise) Flight
History Fan grew up in an all-Lamanayr Song to a mother of similar coloration. Her mother taught her to be very cautious and to prepare for anything well in advance. As a result, Fan is very picky about who she trusts and who she calls a friend. She never spoke unless spoken to, and was more or less "trained" to be a feathered watchdog of sorts. Once she came of age and left, these habits stayed with her.
Song Song of the Rainbow IV
Likes Glint, shade, flying, fruit and quiet evenings
Dislikes Loud, obnoxious behavior, being unprepared, direct sunlight
Aspirations and goals Being a mother was aspiration number one, plan B being to keep the Song safe.
Fears Being left behind or abandoned
Favorite color Anything in the cool color palette
Odd fact Fan is actually very leery of water. For some reason, she dislikes getting any of it on her, and is often too cautious around it when drinking. Even she's not sure why.

Re: Harroway's Band of Misfits

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:00 pm
by Harroway
Samanayr name Harvest of the Autumn Grapes
Gender Mare
Species Samanayr
Age Young Adult
Physical description Harvest is a combination of browns and red-purples, much like burgundy. She has a medium length mane that wraps around her neck like a 50's hairdo.
Personality Harvest is a mellow gal. She would much rather take a walk through the forest than rampage around in a frenzy of activity. She likes to slow down and smell the roses, lay in the shade and enjoy life. On average, her energy level is right around the middle range and she prefers to keep things that way.
Abilities (magical and otherwise) None
History Harvest grew up in a very happy, stable Song, where she learned to find the best spots for grazing, hiding and playing. She was a very happy foal and was excited to venture out into the world to find a Song for herself and teach others her skills.
Song Song of the Autumn Foliage
Likes Autumn, leaves, her Song, chatting it up with her Songmates and neighbors
Dislikes Cold evenings, wind and mud
Aspirations and goals Enjoying life to the fullest
Fears A winter where food is scarce
Favorite color The golds and oranges of sunrises
Odd fact Harvest hates sneezing. The reason for this is because her mane ends up flaring up into an afro of sorts from the shock of the sneeze and it's quite embarrassing!