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Larisha's Characters <3

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:07 pm
by Larisha

Samanayr name: Down of the Soft Feather

Gender: Mare

Species: Samanayr

Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult): Adult

Physical description: A relatively average Sam, Down of the Soft Feather has acquired a few feathers that she wears in her mane and tail. Her cloud-grey body fades to scarlet and eventually to white around her hooves and her muzzle.

Personality: Cocky and irritable, Down doesn't enjoy the company of...well, anyone. She hates mares and their gossip, stallions for their sweet nothings and foals...Oh, how she loathes foals. Whiny, inconsiderate brats, all of them!

Abilities (magical and otherwise): Being mean.


Song: None



Aspirations and goals:


Favorite color: Scarlet

Odd fact: