The Chimerical Lofts

The Chimerical Lofts are run by Farmoon and specializes in hybrid and otherwise unorthodox dragonets. Occasional Wild dragonet clutches are available if Farmoon is able to source them in the wild.

Although the Chimerical Lofts are a new player in the dragonet breeding scene, the unique Kreenasa dragonets that the Lofts produce have already become well-known (or notorious, depending on who you talk to) and demand for them is high. Nobody has been able to prove that Farmoon has been cross-breeding dragonets with non-dragonet species using forbidden genetic manipulation magic, and he denies all such allegations.

Chimerical Loft dragonets are often adopted in the egg and none are neutered prior to adoption, though many are found to be naturally sterile. Training of dragonets is left to the new owner.